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The Secrets of the 12 Universal Laws

This 12-lesson Course has enormous power...

Many of us have never heard of the 12 Universal Laws. Or maybe you’ve heard of one or two–like the Law of Attraction.

The Universal Laws are the most powerful forces operating in the world. They are immutable. They exist whether or not you are aware of them. But you can also harness their power to improve your life every day in so many ways.

The 12 Universal Laws can help you handle huge challenges with grace, help you appreciate the world around you, and fill you with a deep and poignant gratitude.

They can help you to attract the wealth and success you’ve been seeking, all while helping you to find more happiness with all the things you already have.

After years of training, I’m here to help you unlock the power of the 12 Universal Laws to fill your life and your heart with abundance.

Fill every day with abundance.

Warm, Personal Videos

Each and every video is meant to inspire connection, retention, and action. All based on my in-person workshops.

Worksheets, Exercises, and Visual Tools

Each of the 12 action-packed units comes with a guided worksheet, reflection questions, and actionable prompts to help you understand, retain, and put the lessons into practice in your own life. Handmade by yours truly!

Chock Full of Infectious Enthusiasm!

Positivity breeds positivity! Like attracts like. So let’s get excited and get started!

The Law of Attraction

Whether positive or negative, we attract what we think about.

The Law of Divine Oneness

God in us: Everyone and everything is part of one universal whole

The Law of Vibration

Everything in the universe is made of energy that vibrates at ts own frequency.

The Law of Correspondence

Your outer world reflects your inner world. As above, so below; as within, so without.

The Law of Inspired Action

Faith alone is not enough.
Listen carefully, then take action.

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

All things are always changing form from lower to higher energies.

The Law of Cause & Effect

Every action has a consequence.

The Law of Compensation

You reap what you sow; every bad circumstance has a seed of equivalent

The Law of Relativity

Everything exists on a spectrum; nothing is inherently good or bad.

The Law of Polarity

Everything in the universe has an opposite.

The Law of Perpetual Motion

Everything has a season and a rhythm, always moving and changing; nothing is permanent.

The Law of Giving & Receiving

The more you give, the more you receive.

Discovering the 12 Universal Laws has changed my life in ways I couldn’t have imagined. And it’s now my greatest joy in life to share that power with as many people as I can.

Judy BalloffSpeaker, Author, and Abundance Coach
12 universal laws course screenshot

Don't wait. Don't hesitate. This course can change your life.

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Life is an exciting adventure and can be lived stress free and abundantly whatever comes your way. Join me in this journey to harness the power of the 12 Universal Laws to bring health, wealth, and abundance into your life!

Start the Course on Thinkific Today!

My Definite Purpose is to share the powerful principles and 12 Universal Laws that changed my life and health with as many people as possible.

Get the entire 12-week course for just $299

One payment of $2993 Monthly Payments of $100 each